Simpson RamaDur - Publishing company

Visits: 1033

Added: 25.5.2016.

Popularity: 0.33


Simpson RamaDur LLC is a small, independent publishing company founded in 2016, by Rick Simpson and his wife Danijela S. Simpson. Rick Simpson is a retired power engineer who worked for 25 years in the medical system in Canada. After suffering a severe head injury in 1997 he took all the medications that the doctors prescribed, but their side effects did nothing but harm. So in desperation he turned to the use of cannabis extracts, which he produced himself and quickly found that he had discovered the greatest natural medicine. After learning the truth about the amazing healing abilities of these extracts he started a company with the goal to provide the public with all the relevant information about the healing powers of cannabis and other natural medicine to cure cancer and cure or control illnesses for which our current medical systems have no solutions. On Rick’s web site you can find dosage instructions along with all the information needed to produce your own hemp oil and all other relevant information about this amazing healing Rick Simpson oil. Likewise on the web site you can buy Rick Simpson books about natural medicine benefits in whitch is explained how to treat your illness at home naturally. Also you can purchase Pheonix Tears – The rick Simpson Story where you can learn all about his experience, the difficultes he encountered. The book is also available in spanish.
