Frontpage screenshot for site: Projekt inkluzivne i besplatne računalne e-edukacija (

Project of inclusive and free computer e-education

Open Society for Idea Exchange is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization founded to promote human rights, especially human rights to free access to information and education. Specifically, we found that in modern society computer literacy is necessaty and that access to education is not available to everyone because financial investment are needed in order to approach it. For that reason we started the project of inclusive and free computer training via the Internet on the website website, with free access. On our website are published and scripts and multimedia presentations that together give a complete overview of material required for laying of 7 basic ECDL modules (exams), in Croatian and English language. Ministry of Science, Education and Sports officially incorporated ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) in its documents and planned activities for which all civil service employees will need to have the ECDL certificate. Certificate is gain by passing the ECDL tests at authorized testing centers, which also can be taken without obligation to attend course. Also, since the Governmental Law on the work (Article 24) states that employers are obliged to provide the necessary training to their employees, and employees are required to respond to professional education, we believe that our project contributes to facilitated the fulfillment of this law on area of basic computer education.
