Green action
Green Action is a an environmental NGO. The goal ofGA is to promote environmentally sound and sustainable development. Our key priority is to encourage and facilitate public participation in all decision-making processes relevant to the environment and improvement of quality of life in Croatia.
Croatian karst rivers
Data base about Croatian karst rivers containing basic information (biodiversity, ecology, geographical information) about four rivers: Mrežnica, Tounjčica, Zrmanja and Krupa. By the end of the year river Gacka will be added. Web site also contains large quantity of photographs of karst phenomenon (waterfalls, caves, springs, etc.).
Flora Croatica Database
Flora Croatica Database is database about Croatian vascular flora developed by Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb dealing with plant latin names, common names, sinonims, useful and harm full plants, photos, etc. - free communication platform for the croatian evironmental civil society
Free communication platform for effective environmental information exchange; created by using advanced user friendly open source CMS software and OpenPublishing method for censorship free online publishing. Used by croatian environmental network Green Forum members as well as scientists, citizens, volonteers and others...
I like Lošinj
Magrad d.o.o.
Company deals whit renting and servicing of EKO portable toilets, sanitary and office containers, mobile luxury sanitary trailers and sales of public utility equipment for waste collection and exterior landscape services.
Ringing of the church bells as a noise
Ringing of the church bells as a noise pollution.
Ekologija, klima, energija, okoliš je web portal sa svim mogućim informacijama o ekologiji i zaštiti okoliša. Ekologija, energija, klima, otpad, okoliš i prehrana samo su neke od tema na portalu.
Metis d.d.
A joint stock company for collecting, recycling and selling waste products.
Nanonet Nanopool Hrvatska
Zastupanje i distribuciji Nanopool proizvoda na području Republike Hrvatske.
Vizor - Ekologija, zaštita i konzalting
Eko zone
Udruga se fokusira prvenstveno na koncept ekonomski prihvatljivog razvoja, tj. društveno i ekološki prilagođenog te promovira sve moguće teorijske i praktične aktivnosti koje pomažu izučavanju, širenju i primjeni predmetnih zamisli u okvirima zadanih programa i/ili projekata, kao što i ostvaruje aktivnosti na podršci i promociji koje se odnose na njih
Biological diversity of the city of Zagreb
Biological diversity of the city of Zagreb are the web pages of the project driven by the number of domestic institutions and foreign partners. The main aim is to increase the knowledge on urban biodiversity and to announce the results to the wider public with several purposes.
ELKON ( performes survey services, energy certification, engineering design as well as providing thermographic imaging services and worksite safety coordination.
WEEE - Waseted electrical and electronical equipment management in Croatia
WEEE - Free collection shema, collection sites, informations and education
Energo-eko d.o.o. za energetiku, ekonomiku i ekologiju
Tvrtka Energo-eko d.o.o. za energetiku, ekonomiku i ekologiju prepoznata je hrvatska konzalting kompanija u području energetike i zaštite okoliša.
Terrigena - water treatment plants
Water purifiers and treatment plants.
Organic food, Innovative methods
Innovative techniques for organic food
OPG Ćuk Hrvoje
Agriculture Ćuk.
Eko Oglasnik
EKO Oglasnik - web portal - oglasnik - magazin
Eco Counselor
The company was created as the need of the employer in the application of Croatian legislation and the European Union. With its highly educated personnel of various profiles and practical experience in various sectors, offering assistance in the application of legislation in the field of environmental protection, occupational safety, fire protection, protection and rescue, working with chemicals, transport of dangerous goods, application of pesticides, energy certification of buildings.
OctaPro - planing for future generations
OCTAPRO is established primarily for promoting, planning, development and supervision eko-friendly green projects in construction and energetics, solutions for problems regarding waste disposal and environment protection.