Konzum d.d.
Konzum d.d is the leading national retail chain of neighbourhood stores, markets and supermarkets which offers its customers food and non-food products, basing its business on constant adjustments to customer needs. From 1994, Konzum entered into the consolidated group of Agrokor.
Eurovoće Orahovica
Uzgoj i prerada voća i povrća.
Advent d.o.o. Pula
Basic information about food we sell (vegetarian recipes, nutritional analisys, use and advices). We offer: dried fruits, cereals, legumes, seeds, vegetable milks and drinks, nuts and other products. Basic health diet and life-style principles. On-line nutritionist ordinacy.
Marex - gel
McDonald's Croatia
"Podravka" d.d., najveća je prehrambena industrija u Hrvatskoj sa sjedištem u Koprivnici. Proizvodi finalne prehrambene proizvode na bazi povrća, voća, brašna i poluproizvoda mesne industrije. Proizvođač je svjetski poznate "Vegete".
Agrokor Trade d.d.
The basic business of Agrokor trgovina d.d. is trading in agricultural products and foodstuffs. Over the last years the turnover showed the enviable growth rate of 10-20 per cent a year. The company's objective is to grow into the largest buyer of and dealer in cereals and animal feed components in the Republic of Croatia.
Pag cheese Croatia - Gligora Dairy
The Gligora Dairy is the most awarded dairy in Croatia and one of the most awarded in the world. Dedication to unquestioned quality, the desire for the old and the new knowledge, constant investments, and striving towards a continuous improvement – those describe the entire team in Gligora Dairy.
Biofarm natural products
Biofarm food, cosmetic and herbal products from natural ingredients only.
Geus d.o.o.
Company Geus d.o.o. was founded on 28th of February 1991 as a company in 100% private ownership of its founder Filip Gelo from Zagreb. Until 1999 we imported and distributed consumer goods on the Croatian market. At the end of 1999 the company was reorganized and since then we strictly represent foreign companies, more precisely producers of basic materials (primary products) for chemical and food processing industry.
Tankerkomerc d.d. Zadar
Tankerkomerc catering services, ship supplying and manufacturing and repairs of sailing and leisure boats. Marina Zadar with casino.
Dried fruit sale Croatia
Dried fruit sale Croatia, import, finishing and packaging of dried fruit, nut fruits, seeds, legumes and grains. Dried fruit, nuts and seeds
Zvijezda d.d.
Zvijezda d.d is the major producer of edible oils and the only producer of margarine, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and delicacy products made on a mayonnaise base. Zvijezda also produces ingredients for other food industries.
Cedevita d.o.o.
Poduzeće koje objedinjuje razvoj, proizvodnju i prodaju instant napitaka, čajeva i konditorskih proizvoda namijenjenih zdravoj prehrani.
Agrokor Group is the biggest Croatian privately owned company and one of the most successful Croatian companies. The primary business operations of the Group are production and distribution of food and beverages, as well as retail trade. Today the Group includes Croatia's major producers of mineral water- Jamnica d.d., ice cream- Ledo d.d, edible vegetable oil, margarine and mayonaise- Zvijezda d.d, as well as the leading retail chain -Konzum.
Ekobreg - Nature and health
In short - nature lovers who want their action, at least a little, to improve the world. We are growing buckwheat and spelled organically and produce products from their shells (pillows, over-mattresses, etc.)
Franck d.d.
Franck is one of the most successful Croatian producers of food products, and holds the leading market share in the following products: coffee, coffee substitutes, teas, chips, peanuts and other groups of high quality food products.
Agro Noršić
Production of pumpkin oil, honey and honey products
Produced and prepared fruits, apple, pear, peach, strowberry, fruits distillation, sljivovica, wiliamovka, calvados, apple-brandy, liqueurs and apple acid.
Montana plus
Honey and health
Uljara Čepin d.d.
Osnovna djelatnost IPK Tvornice ulja Čepin d.d. je proizvodnja sirovih i rafiniranih ulja te smo u toj djelatnosti najveći proizvođač u Hrvatskoj s preradbenim kapacitetom od 500t/24h prerađene sirovine, odnosno 100t/24h proizvedenog rafiniranog ulja.
Candy web
Lolly pop, candy aplle
Viro - sugar factory Virovitica
Sugar factory Viro is one of the biggest exporters and most profitable company in food industry in Croatia. From its privatization since 2002, company is having continuos growth in profit.
Privatno trgovačko poduzeće za zastupanje i distribuciju, kao zastupnik stranih tvrtki aktivno je na tržištima Hrvatske i okolnih zemalja. Djeluje kroz tri odjela - aditivi za prehrambenu industriju, pakiranje - ambalaža za tekuće prehrambene proizvode i pomoćni materijali za rafiniranje jestivih ulja i petrokemijskih produkata.
SFE Systems
Tjestenine Rafajac
Proizvodnja tjestenina.
Gift of nature - Tea
The company is based in large part on the production of its own brands of tea Dar prirode in filter bags and individual herbs in bulk packaging
Refined vegetable oils, cold pressed oils, oilseed cakes, oil processing,
Prehrambena industrija, oprema za silose milinove pekare...
S.G. promet
Jadran tuna, experts in bluefin tuna farming
Jadran tuna is in bussiness of fishing and farming bluefin tuna, mainly for export to Japan market.
Pumpkin oil production Županić
The tradition in refinement of pumpkin oil pervades in the Županić family for three generations. Pumpkin oil has an especially beneficial effect on human health. It is a valuable food additive, with peculiar flavor and aroma.
Siladi l.t.d.
Siladi d.o.o. je poljoprivredno-prehrambena tvrtka koja se već dugi niz godina bavi proizvodnjom bučinog ulja po starom tradicijskom receptu te uslugama i kooperacijom sa poljoprivrednim proizvođačima.
Pag 91 d.o.o.
Croatian company specialized for manufacturing, procesing and selling naturall sea salt all of kinds.
Bomboni raznih okusa, unikatni pokloni, originalni pokloni, cijena, Hrvatska
Bomboni raznih okusa, unikatni pokloni, originalni pokloni - promotivni (promo) bomboni, vjenčani bomboni i lizalice. Originalna reklama i promocija.
Kogutex stores, and homemade taters
Pčelarstvo Radošević
Pčelinji proizvodi i proizvodi od meda - Obiteljsko pčelarstvo Radošević.
Engineering and manufacturing of equipment for the food and beverage industry
Olive oil Ol Istria
Extra virgin olive oil Agrolaguna age is synonymous with quality and standard of Istrian olive oil, as evidenced by numerous awards won by this oil every year.
Sladorana d.d.
Sugar Factory Sladorana Ltd
Certifikat d.o.o.
Certificate d.o.o. a company whose main activity is the production of finished microbiological substrates. Production is based on the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP) in accordance with quality system.
Veterans association Beaver Carlstadt
Organic farming of vegetables and herb
Brašno vrhunske kvalitete
Početak proizvodnje brašna seže u daleku 1950. godinu, kada je postojeći mlin zadovoljavao potrebe za brašnom i stočnim brašnom stanovništva Podravskih Sesveta, i okolnih podravskih naselja. Ulaskom u vlasništvo obitelji Đurin 1992. godine, lokalni seoski mlin sa skromnim kapacitetom i zastarjelom tehnologijom započinje svoj razvoj, ciklus i izrastanje u moderni mlin srednje velikog kapaciteta.
Shiitake Hrvoić
Shiitake Hrvoić bavi se uzgojem i prodajom ljekovitih shiitake gljiva te ostalih proizvoda poput komposta i micelija.