Franjo Markovic Public Library
The library is situated in the Croatian Home building comprising about 500 sq.m. During 1998 it was renewed and furnished with new equipment. It has been classified as 3rd type public library in Croatia. The following communities as well as wider Križevci area are attracted to this library: Sv. Ivan Žabno, Sv. Petar Prehovec and Kalnik with 36 524 inhabitants. The Town Library performs public library activities and is intended to all users regardless of their age, sex, profession, social or any other status. About 3 000 persons a year become members of the Library and over 60 000 books are borrowed annually. All the departments in the Library are very well organized and the members are offered various services. The Library collection counts 50,000 books, 40 periodicals titles, about 400 items of audio, video and CD-ROM materials and about 600 educational toys and teaching aids.